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Project scope statement, Risk Analysis
Work breakdown structure (WBS) Reports

The "Project scope statement, risk analysis and work breakdown structure (WBS)" reports are due on March 18 (Monday) before 6:00p.m. Before writing up the reports, you are to go over the following lectures:
To write the project scope statement report, you use the ''project scope statement form''. For the other two reports, you have to make up your own forms based on the corresponding lectures.
  • Your project scope statement must be approved and signed by your project supervisor. You should keep the hard copy of the signed form and submit an electronic copy in pdf format to me.
  • For the risk analysis, you are to identify the risks that may prevent you from achieveing the original goal of the project. For each risk, state its likelihood, your course of action should it become a reality.
  • For WBS, you are to give an estimated completion date and amount of time required for every task.