Selected Publications
- "A simple certifying algorithm for 3-edge-connectivity," Yung H. Tsin, CoRR abs/2002.04727 (Feb 11, 2020). (Submitted for publication)
- "A linear-time certifying algorithm for recognizing generalized series-parallel graphs,"
Chin,F.Y.L., Ting,H.F., Tsin,Y.H., Zhang, Y., 2019. (Submitted for publication)
- "A Simple Algorithm for Finding All k-Edge-Connected Components,"
Wang,T., Zhang,Y., Chin,F.Y.L., Ting,H.F., Tsin,Y.H., Poon,S-H.,
PLoS ONE, vol.10(9), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136264, Sep 14, 2015.
- "On finding sparse three-edge-connected and three-vertex-connected spanning subgraphs," Elmasry,A., Tsin,Y.H., International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol.25, No.3, 2014, pp.355-368.
- "A simple 3-edge connected component algorithm revisited," Norouzi,N., Tsin,Y.H., Information Processing Letters, vol.114, No.1-2, 2014, pp.50-55.
- "Decomposing a multigraph into split components," Tsin,Y.H., Eighteenth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2012),
Melbourne, Australia, Jan,31–Feb,3, 2012, pp.3-11.
- "Self-stabilizing computation of 3-edge-connected components,"
Saifullah,A., Tsin,Y.H., International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol.22, No.5, 2011, pp.1161-1185.
- "A self-stabilizing algorithm for 3-edge-connectivity,"
Saifullah,A., Tsin,Y.H., International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking vol.7, No.1, 2011, pp.40-52.
- "Yet another optimal algorithm for 3-edge-connectivity,"
Tsin,Y.H., Journal of Discrete Algorithms vol.7, No.1, 2009, pp.130-146.
- "A Simple 3-Edge-Connected Component Algorithm,"
Tsin,Y.H., Theory of Computing Systems, vol.40, No.2, 2007, pp.125-142.
program codes is incorporated into
Cactus (a genome multiple sequence aligner).
- "An Improved Self-stabilizing Algorithm for Biconnectivity and Bridge-connectivity,"
Tsin,Y.H., Information Processing Letters, vol.102, No.1, 2007, pp.27-34.
- "An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for 3-Edge-Connectivity,"
Tsin,Y.H., International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol.17, No.3, 2006, pp.677-701.
- "On finding an ear decomposition of an undirected graph
Tsin,Y.H., Information Processing Letters, vol.91, No.3, 2004, pp.147-153.
- "Some Remarks on Distributed Depth-first Search,"
Tsin,Y.H., Information Processing Letters, vol.82, No.4, 2002, pp.173-178.
(An implementation is available in the
boost C++ library.)
- "
Finding Constrained and Weighted Voronoi Diagrams in the Plane,"
Wang,C. Tsin,Y.H., Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications,
vol.10, No.2, 1998, pp.89-104.
- "Geodesic Voronoi Diagrams in the Presence of Rectilinear Barriers,"
Tsin,Y.H., Wang,C.,
Nordic Journal of Computing, vol.3, No. 1, 1996, pp.1-26.
- "Incremental Distributed Asynchronous Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees,"
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems (currently called Computer Networks), vol.26, 1993, pp.227-232.
- "On Handling Vertex Deletion in Updating Minimum Spanning Trees,"
Information Processing Letters, Vol.27, No.4, April 1988, pp.167-168.
- "An O(logn) Time Parallel Algorithm for Triangulating a Set of n Points in the Plane,"
Wang,C., Tsin,Y.H.,
Information Processing Letters, Vol.25, No.1, April 1987, pp.55-60.
- "Finding Lowest Common Ancestors in Parallel,"
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-35, No.8, 1986, pp.764-768.
- "An Optimal Parallel Processor Bound in Strong Orientation of an Undirected Graph,"
Information Processing Letters, Vol.20, April 1985, pp.143-146.
- "Efficient Parallel Algorithms for a Class of Graph Theoretic Problems,"
Tsin,Y.H., F.Chin,
SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol.13, No.3, August 1984, pp.580-599.
- "A Genaral Program Scheme for Finding Bridges,"
Tsin,Y.H., F.Chin,
Information Processing Letters, Vol.17, No.5, December 1983, pp.269-272.
- "Extending the Power of Pascal's External Procedure Mechanism,"
Software, Practice and Experience, Vol.12, March 1982, pp.283-292.